SCAWO’s Core Values
The following core operating values influence the social, culture and public image of SCAWO as an effective community-based organization serving as a role model for positive changes in the society. Caring Attitude: SCAWO demonstrates compassionate support and concern for underprivileged and marginalized communities, women, youth, children and disabled groups. As a part of this caring attitude, we educate, empower and train them, and make sure they are treated equally and effectively in these areas by the government, for a better tomorrow.
Responsiveness: SCAWO tries to find solutions that meet the needs of underprivileged categories and marginalized women and youths through direct service or referrals to other providers.
Respectfulness: SCAWO honors the choices of women and youths, encouraging each person to take control over his/her own life, and helps to shape these based on what is important to their future.
Individualized Support: SCAWO indicates that people needs vary significantly and could be changed over times; we seek to understand the individual needs and co-create the right support for each person’s development.
Diversity: SCAWO understands that youths, women and marginalized groups are part of all races, ethnicities and religions; we therefore seek to assist as many people as our little resources can support.
Integrity and Accountability: SCAWO has the highest level of integrity in its administrative; social services; outreach, monitoring, advocacy and training activities; we tie these activities directly to our mission, and we maintain and keep our records accurately.
Partnerships: SCAWO works with a wide variety of partners and advocates for quality service by all partners through signing Memorandum of Understandings with civil society networks and organizations, donors, government entities, International NGOs, and others.
Advocacy: SCAWO advocates for the long-term best interests of public with major focus to women, youths and marginalized groups in the society
Financial Sustainability: SCAWO believes its work as an advocacy firm and service provider will be needed for many years in the future. Therefore, we strive to deliver on our mission with thoughtful strategic choices which ensure us, we shall be able to have sufficient and strong finance team who will lead us to the future social services.